eTail Germany 2025

18 - 19 March, 2025

Hotel Palace, Berlin

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Mariana Gilabert

Business Owner Bark

Mariana Gilabert embarked on her professional journey as an Officer in the Argentine Army, specializing in Operations Management and Logistics. Driven by an innate curiosity, she has always approached life with a sense of exploration. In 2015, she decided to pivot her career and delve into new markets within the private sector. After an enlightening six-month sabbatical in Southeast Asia in 2018, Mariana found inspiration in her deep affection for animals. This newfound passion led her to establish Bark Argentina. Today, she leads the company, which has emerged as the most successful and rapidly growing venture dedicated to crafting accessories for dogs in the Argentine Republic. Apart from her role as the CEO, Mariana excels in crafting strategies for content generation and engagement on social media platforms within the pet industry. Her expertise not only fuels the growth of Bark Argentina but also contributes significantly to enhancing the online presence of pet-related ventures. Mariana's story is one of transformation, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to making a positive impact on both the business world and the lives of our four-legged companions

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Mariana.

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